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Navajo Bro

NER Command Staff
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Status Replies posted by Navajo Bro

  1. I know I have been out of the loop. Just broke ground on building a new house....this time there will be plenty of space for a workshop.

    1. Navajo Bro

      Navajo Bro

      Cool man, glad you are popping back in! I can't wait to see the finished Armory, your vac table was always so cool :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. <-- Still alive, still super busy, probably moving in August after/during GenCon

    1. Navajo Bro

      Navajo Bro

      Wow great to hear from you man, hope to see you and Amy soon

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I want to say hello to everybody. I'm new to the group. Looking forward to becoming an Emperial Stormtrooper.

    1. Navajo Bro

      Navajo Bro

      Welcome, come on all the way inside the forums into the general chatter sections and let us know a litle about yourself and how we can help you become a Stormtrooper hahaha :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Good Day all, looking forward in being a member of the coolest fan group ever.As the same for all new members, Im pretty much lost on where to go next. So whats my next step?

    1. Navajo Bro

      Navajo Bro

      I know it's an old update, but just sent you a message about getting started man!!

  5. Hello I am new to the Remnant and would like to purchase a Biker Scout Costume as I am a biker and it is the ONLY costume for me, But sadly i dont know where to start looking, can anyone help me

    1. Navajo Bro

      Navajo Bro

      Hey man, just sent a follow up PM on some stuff ;)

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