The Legion is an all-volunteer organization formed for the express purpose of bringing together costume enthusiasts under a collective identity within which to operate. The Legion seeks to promote interest in Star Wars through the building and wearing of quality costumes, and to facilitate the use of these costumes for Star Wars-related events as well as contributions to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work.
The one and only, the real deal, 100% official website of George Lucas's gift to man kind.... StarWars.com
Your daily dose of unofficial (sometimes official) star wars news and everything else related to the star wars universe.
The Rebel Legion, the 501st's Sister Organization, is an international Star Wars costuming organization created by, of and for people interested in creating costumes from the Star Wars mythos. Research, create, build and improve your costumes in a place where costumers with similar passions share skills, tips and ideas. Jedi, Rebel Pilots, Troopers, Princesses and even Wookiees.... we've got them all....and we're always looking for more.
Our garrison neighbor to the west, Garrison Carida is a chapter of the 501st Legion serving Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia.
Our garrison neighbor to the northeast, the New England Garrison is a proud unit of the the 501st Legion serving ME, VT, NH, MA & RI since 2001
