The Emperor Elite is a program, similar to the Remnant Seven, created by the Northeast Remnant command staff to help increase the attendance of the Northeast Remnant at events and do more good deeds out there in the name of Star Wars.
Similar to the Remnant Seven program, it is a program that recognizes the efforts put in by our garrison of volunteers. This special program became effective as of July 1st 2011 and awards our troopers with a special patch once they hit the level of 25 troops. Add-on rocker patches are awarded for each additional mark of 25 troops. It is a great way for our troopers to be reconized for thier dedication and allows them to show off their accomplishments all at the same time.
Think you have what it takes to become part of the Emperor Elite?
Join the ranks of the 501st now and help put smiles on children's faces in the name of Star Wars!